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Rajesh Hamal short biography

Rajesh Hamal (born June 9, 1964 in Palpa, Nepal) is a Nepali actor. He started his career with the movie "Yug Dheki Yug Samma". He is considered a dominant figure in bringing professionalism in the Nepalese movie industry.

Siblings Three sisters (all doctors) and a brother.

Schooling from Moscow, higher education (MA in English) from Punjab University, India. Studied in Nepal for a year at St Xavier School in grade eight.

Hobby I used to collect badges with pins. Now, I buy books on film making.

Fell in love at age 17 with a 22-year-old Indian girl. It was serious. The affair lasted for nearly three years. Later, her parents married her off to someone else. Still single because in the first 10 years of my film career, I didn't have much time for anything else. Anyway, I don't think that I ought to get married because I'm of marrying age. I'm quite comfortable being single.

First modeled for Fashion Net, an Indian fashion magazine in 1985; walked the ramp in Kathmandu and New Delhi in 1986.First acted in Yug Dekhi Yug Samma, a film my uncle made in 1990. My parents were disappointed with my career choice. In one year, on an average, I work on 10 to 12 films. The maximum was 16 films in 1994.

Till date I've worked in 177 Nepali films and one Pakistani movie.

Favorite films I've appeared in are Devata and Basanti.

At leisure I watch the news on BBC, CNN and other news channels, read non-fiction books and biographies. No particular favorite author. I like to think, look back and look ahead at my life. Pet I have a dog, Johnny.

Sports I love to play tennis and swim. I work out a lot, lifting weights and practicing yoga, I have a gym at home. Also, I jog everyday. I travel to foreign countries once every year at least. Japan is my favorite destination because of its unique mix of traditional and modern culture.

Hairstyle I've always had long hair. As a child, I used to wear a cap to bed so my hair wouldn't be unkempt the next morning. Now, I just shampoo and oil it. Once, I shaved my head because my father didn't believe I had my hair trimmed.

Fashion statement Whatever is not in fashion and not too loud or colorful. I prefer solid colors – black, grey, and dark blue.

Faith I believe in God but am not a fanatic about what the scriptures say. I believe more in the power of spirituality.

Fear of heights, I'm acrophobic. For a recent movie scene, I couldn't bungee jump so the stuntman had to do it for me. Nightmare This actually happened during a fight scene. I was wielding a real sword when it came out of its hilt and hit the cameraman. He lost four of his teeth.

Planning to get into film making and make a movie with self as actor and director.

Kollywood actors have garnered quite a fan following. Take the Rajesh Hamal fan club for example. It is a mobile club because the members meet twice daily, that too on a college bus.

The science students of Kathmandu University have plastered posters and postcards of Hamal all over the Gwarko route bus. As soon as the members are onboard, dialogues like "saathiko laagi yo haath salaam ho, dushman ko laagi yo haath falaam ho" is heard, both in the mornings and in the evenings. Every time the bus passes a cinema hall screening Hamal's movie, they pop their heads out the window and say "Namaste Rajesh dai". They even have rules.

Rule number one: must grow hair like superstar Hamal. Why Rajesh Hamal? "He is educated, has personality and his presence is everywhere," says Prabhushan Pradhan, president of the fan club. One of the club members was inspired when he saw a Hamal fan from outside Kathmandu pick a handful of earth that Hamal had walked on and put it as tika on his forehead. "We are an informal fan club," says Prabhushan Pradhan, president of the club. "Mr Hamal does not even know about us."